Farm Stand Friday Starts June 6th from 4-7pm!

Meet the farmers


Andy grew up skateboarding in Detroit and Chicago. He attended DePaul University, graduating in 2013 with a double major in Environmental Studies and Political Science. While in Chicago he became enamored with urban farming and saw it as a way to make a positive impact on the world. Immediately after graduation Andy was hired by the Gary Comer Youth Center as the Assistant Production Manager for their 1.25 acre urban farm. Andy decided to move back to Detroit, his hometown, to start his own farm with the support of his friends and family. Andy does day to day tasks at Fisheye Farms and has final decision-making power of the business. Andy is responsible for vegetable production and marketing.



Amy grew up in Colorado but moved to Chicago to attend college at DePaul University, graduating with a degree in International Studies. During this time Amy became interested in urban farming and volunteered periodically with farms in Chicago. Post graduation, Amy (and Andy) traveled to Brazil to work on an organic farm for a few months and worked on eco-preservation for a month. Amy assists with all vegetable production, organizational tasks, and bookkeeping. 





Susan was born and raised in Waterford, Michigan. Susan brings her skills as a lawyer to the Fisheye Farms team by providing legal assistance. Susan also has experience in party and event planning as well as interior and exterior design. These skills are used at Fisheye Farms in designing and coordinating events for the farm.